
A divinity student blogs her faithful, progressive Catholicism.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Ecumenical frivolities for the weekend

Quiz: Could you be Archbishop of Canterbury?

Morality Quiz: How good are you?
Kind of silly, but you can post the answers on your own blogs.

Belief-O-Matic. Anything's possible in the land of religion blogs, so here it is: a worthwhile online quiz (!) that will provoke your thoughts about things like the problem of evil and give you an uncannily accurate result.

Unitarian Jihad Marches On

So first a humorist riffed off the Unitarian's democratic and accepting style and created this:Unitarian Jihad

Then a million websites inspired by the concept, likeUnitarian Jihad Name Generator, sprang up
(I'm "Sister Gatling Gun of Patience.")

And then, some enterprising Unitarians who know how to laugh at their own faith used the "Unitarian Jihad" publicity to educate people about Unitarianism.

Awesome. Imagine the USCCB using Dogma as a teaching tool!


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