
A divinity student blogs her faithful, progressive Catholicism.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Unbelievably, a realistic abortion solution

Democrats for Life of America Introduce the 95-10 Initiative

From their website, with my comments:
"The 95-10 Initiative is a comprehensive package of federal legislation and policy proposals that will reduce the number of abortions by 95% in the next 10 years. [Congressman Tim Ryan, D-OH, plans to introduce it in Congress soon.]

The “95-10” Initiative will:

Empower Women

Federal Funding for Toll-Free Number Pregnancy Support/National Public Awareness Program
[Further on the site says "Organizations that qualify for the referral from the toll-free hotline must be non-profit, tax exempt organizations that do not provide abortion referral services." Why? This sounds like a way to funnel a lot of funds to faith-based organizations and try to weaken Planned Parenthood.]

Conduct a National Study on Why Women Choose Abortions & Update Abortion Data

Federal Funding for Pregnancy Prevention Education
[Well, Mr. Bush, I'm not crazy about your idea of pregnancy prevention education - let's demand some specificity from our Congresspeople on this point]

Federal Funding for Abortion Counseling and Daycare on University Campuses
[To work against the economic setbacks of an unplanned pregnancy, a burden disproportionately visited on women - the same goal as funding WIC fully]

Provide Accurate Information to Patients Receiving a Positive Result from an Alpha-Fetoprotein Test tests.

Make Adoption Tax Credits Permanent
[There is nowhere near enough talk about promoting adoption - a method of family creation that sidesteps the risks, costs, and ethical issues of IVF and other methods and takes care of humanity's neediest, abandoned kids.]

Ban Pregnancy as a “Pre-Existing Condition” in the Health Care Industry

Require Adoption Referral Information
[This would "require pregnancy centers and women’s health centers that provide pregnancy counseling and that receive federal funding to provide adoption referral information." This seems like a balanced requirement - Planned Parenthood would have to offer adoption as well as abortion info - which again calls into question the stricture that groups on the pregnancy info hotlines can't provide abortion info.]

Women’s Right to Know
["Any women’s health center or clinic that provides pregnancy counseling or abortion services must provide accurate information on abortion and the adverse side effects to a woman’s health. Patients do not have to accept the materials if they do not want them." Denouncing recommendations like this earned many choice activists their militant, "pro-abortion" stigma. Women deserve the best information on all potential outcomes of a medical procedure, and if such information dissuades them from the procedure, it's paternalistic to presume that they shouldn't have recieved it.]

Provide Ultrasound Equipment
["Provide grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations for the purchase of ultrasound equipment to provide free examinations to pregnant women needing such services." This is puzzling. I'm afraid the authors of the bill are hoping to dissuade abortions by showing the mother an image of the child, which strikes me as a less admirable tactic than almost everything else this plan proposes.]

Increase Funding for Domestic Violence Programs
[To protect women from being forced into abortion by fear - absolutely essential]

Contraception Equity
[Required of HMOs - hallelujah!!!]

Protect our Children

Fully Fund Federal WIC Program

Require Parental Notification for Abortions
[Doesn't mandate it, but will "prohibit transporting a minor across a state line to obtain an abortion," in other words, guaranteeing that states who think parental notification is the best way to protect minors will be able to enforce it. "Makes an exception if the abortion was necessary to save the life of the minor." Good. And this clause "requires states that have parental notification to inform parents of state statutory rape laws." This seems like a way to encourage parents to go after men who impregnate underage daughters. That's fine, but child-support laws with big teeth would be a wider and more effective way of doing this, placing less burden on a parent who's already struggling with a child's decisions.]

Provide Grants to States to Help in the Promotion and Implementation of Safe Haven Laws
[Which designate places, like hospitals and police stations, to leave a baby with no questions asked]

Require Counseling in Maternity Group Homes
[Breaking the cycle]

Require SCHIP to cover pregnant women"
[State-funded health insurance]


At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled that there is finally a solution to reduce (and hopefully, eventually, eliminate) the number of abortions in this country by supporting women instead of villifying them. Not only will it reduce the number of abortions, its the right thing to do!

I'm also so proud of my party which has finally got a plan everyone can get behind, whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, Dem, Repub, or otherwise.


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