
A divinity student blogs her faithful, progressive Catholicism.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bet My St. Catherine Beats Your Augustine

Ekklesia: The Congregating.

Originally uploaded by The Disseminary.
There are no words. No, there are too many. It's a Magic- or DND-style card game, but with early saints. You flip a card to "battle", and winning's guided by arcane hierarchies to gladden the heart of any bishop: "The degrees of Orthodoxy are: Heresiarch, Heretic, Heterodox, Ambiguous, Orthodox, Theologian, and Doctor." The site that created this wonder,, is itself a true delight. They're trying to collect theological resources and scholarship online where they can be freely available to any seeker. This is how big a theology nerd I am: I fantasize about starting a petition to get the New Catholic Encyclopedia online for free. Never mind the obvious benefit to Theologiennes and -enos doing research: what about curious non-Catholics, like poor innocent Muslim bloggers who just want to fact-check and inadvertently cite a racist and outdated Catholic encyclopedia that claims to be a trustworthy source? Snarl. Disseminary doesn't have an encyclopedia yet, but they've got great stuff, and I am so very, very excited they exist. Besides, who can resist the name? All together now: "Which seminary? DISseminary!"


At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, a seminal website. Chortle!

At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ambiguous seems so intruguing to me: if it refers to faith, it seems reasomable that one could be goggy, a little unsure -- but if it refers to practivcing one's religion, can one ambigiously pray? be ambiguously present at Mass? I guess I'm reading this not as a professional term, but too literally.


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