
A divinity student blogs her faithful, progressive Catholicism.

Friday, November 11, 2005

People in ministry should cultivate a sense of irony. And maybe consume some pop culture from time to time.

Otherwise you end up with a gay Catholic chastity outfit advertising a (click; scroll) lesbian pajama party.


At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, too mean. It's pretty darn easy to fall prey to unintended wincers in launguage useage, even Freudian ones, as in inviting same-sex identified women seeking chastity to a pajama party! witness, dear theologienne, your own unitended howler, which leds faithful readers to go hunting a photo of aforementioned "chastity outfit," whcih has to be something with an iron belt and a key ... yes?

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Kate said...

Well done, she said, thinking for some reason of the first line of Where the Wild Things Are. It's not even the language, though, it's the whole idea. This group is trying to convince Catholic women who are attracted to women to deny these attractions and not to act on them, and they're using a nontraditionally clad female bonding experience to advertise their retreat? It's funny, but I could imagine it being a painfully mixed message. And it strikes me as one they came up with--for better or worse, none of the co-ed retreats I've been on ever featured a pajama party.


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