
A divinity student blogs her faithful, progressive Catholicism.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sublime & Ridiculous: Friday Frivolities

Two sites for spiritual desktop photos or transcendent midday daydreaming: click on "kaleidoscopes" for jeweled photos and quotes from Rumi. Rumi is a thirteenth-century Sufi mystic poet whose poems make you think without knowing it, so that you suddenly realize his meaning and say "Wow." Art. Sort of celestial pictures of young women, reminiscent of "feminine divine" imagery. More like seventies album cover art than medieval faire souvenirs.

Here: Solidarity and Sustainability: A Newsletter on the Socio-Ecological Impacts of Religious Patriarchy. The most thought-provoking e-junkmail I've ever gotten. Here's the author's description of it: "Reflections on global stewardship and related issues such as patriarchy, misogyny, solidarity, subsidiarity, and spirituality. Analysis of social and religious obstacles to human solidarity and sustainable development. Research on incentives and strategies to overcome such obstacles. The United Nations "Millennium Development Goals" (MDGs) are used as point of reference." Consider the source, of course, apparently an idealist who spams unassuming young bloggers, but it's a worthwhile read nonetheless.

And finally, check out trailers for the Bibleman action video series here. "The full armor of God: Don't leave home without it!"


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