
A divinity student blogs her faithful, progressive Catholicism.

Monday, April 24, 2006

In Which Sleep, Blog Readers or Someone Does My Work For Me

Today I read Quarterlife Crisis and Good Catholic Girls: How Women are Leading the Fight to Change the Church. Now, through the magic of REM sleep, my subconscious will resolve these into a coherent vision of how I will dispel my twentysomething alienation by becoming a leader in the church of tomorrow. That wasn't actually my original plan, but it would be nice if it worked that way, no?

I'm working on a paper on the reign of God for my Biblical Spirituality class. Earlier this year I commenced a thought project on what the Reign or, if you prefer, the Kingdom of God looks like--I figured, since the R of G is what we want to bring about in our lives, knowing what it looks like might help me figure out more perfectly what I should be doing. What does the Reign of God look like to you, and what biblical passages or other sources have helped you shape that vision?


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think a vision of the Reign of god is necessary to leading an examined and fulfilling life? Wouldn't it be more important to ponder the possibilities of this life to answer that question?

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While normally I'm not a C.S. Lewis fan, his "The Great Divorce" is a fantastic (and readable/short) meditation on this topic.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Kate said...

I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to answering this good question (and thanks for the recommendation, anon: I'll have to check that out, especially since it's short!) Curious, one way that people sometimes categorize our purpose on earth is to bring about the Reign of God, or to work to that end. Or better, we alone don't have the power to bring about the Reign of God, obviously, but we aren't completely off the hook for it, either. We are co-workers with God in creating it: that's what Vatican II said. So I think envisioning what God wants the world to look like can be a helpful way of pointing us toward what we could be doing to help it get there.


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