
A divinity student blogs her faithful, progressive Catholicism.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


"Until recently, I was unaware that the biblical world was full of dinosaurs." This cracked me up. Not least because the Nativity scene in my house growing up did, in fact, include dinosaurs--two squeaky toys contributed by my brother. They sat on the stable roof.

I'll be honest: part of me is dying for a quasi-ironic road trip to the Creation Museum. Though I find that right in my own backyard, the Field Museum's rolling out an evolution exhibit understood to be "in response" to growing creationist fervor.

(Oh NO you did not just brought the Creation Museum! Oh yeah we DID just brought the Creation Museum, unbelievers! Oh yeah well watch us while WE bring the evolution exhibit, fundies! [Slaps. Hair-pulling. Quiet sobs.])



At 11:15 PM, Blogger Deborah Hormell Ward said...

We miss you, O theologienne, and your thoughtful voice!


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